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2025 Ministry and Webinar Testimonies


The Biblical Definition of Marriage: Every time I listen to Pastor Troy's sermons and teachings, I walk away in awe of how intentional the LORD is in everything He has put His hands on, down to the Hebrew Language and everything within it. There is so much spiritual growth that comes from learning about the LORD through Hebrew. And Pastor Troy goes deeper than the surface. This teaching on marriage really challenges what we have been taught in society, and it teaches the importance of having God in the marriage and in the home and what you need to do if you are the only one in your marriage who has a relationship with God. But it is broken down even further to really see how intentional God is with man, woman and marriage. C.S.


Torah Portion Yitro: Awesome class! I used to think the law was done away with as far as the sacrifices go and honoring the Sabbath go, but then I learned that the law was another word for instructions, it changed the game. I feel lile when Jesus said, "It is Finished". He wasn't talking about His Life, but what He came to accomplish. The law would never be done away with because in doing so, we do away with Jesus. This is impossible because He was here in the beginning [Ber-eh-sheet] and until the end of Time. The Aleph and Tav. D.​


I work as a pool nurse. I am required to go where they need me that day. When I wake up, I pray for the Lord to send me where he needs me. My prayers are to be a vessel that the Lord uses to help others. This day, I was assigned to 7 West. When I received the report on my patient in room 785. I was thinking my goodness; this is going to be a busy day. As I walked into Troy’s room to introduce myself, I looked around the room. It is still early, and my patient was laying there in bed asleep with his wife at his side in a chair asleep as well. I thought, I'll write my name on the white board and let them rest a little longer. When re-entering the room later, Marilyn had stepped out. I approached Troy’s bed to assess and reposition him. My initial assessment revealed Troy lying there unable to move himself. He was unable to talk or communicate his needs. He was unable to take medications or eat by mouth. He had a feeding tube in place. He lay there staring with his left eye because the right eye had been stitched together.

Troy was what nurses call a total care patient. He could not do anything for himself, nor could he communicate his needs. He was unable to control his bodily functions. His limbs were contracted, and he was unable to move his lower extremities. This day was different. This patient was different. I start each patient assessment with a stethoscope, listening to heart and lung sounds. When I laid my stethoscope on Troy, I felt the Holy Spirit move on me. I broke out in silent prayer with each touch of my stethoscope. Even though I had just met Troy, I knew he was a child of God. This was my brother in Christ. Praying and asking God to heal this man, that he may be a living testimony of God’s glory. I knew as I was praying, I was praying over a mighty warrior, and he was being attacked mentally, physically, and emotionally. I could not help but cry inside as the Spirit of God moved on Troy. My assignment ended after 3 days with Troy. I did not get to see much improvement, but I did see a calming before the day ended. The next week I returned and as God would have it, Troy was my patient again. This time, Troy was talking a little and moving a little more than my last encounter. He could not articulate his words and was confused with paranoia present. His wife Marilyn had been praying over him and believing God was going to heal him. She began telling me Troy’s background and his walk with God in his ministry. I was taken back, remembering what the Holy Spirit had revealed about this man in our first encounter. Marilyn told me Troy was a teacher of Hebrew. This moved me. My husband and I had been led to do a Passover Feast in our home, which required us to learn and understand some Hebrew language. I did not know much but I knew the most important names in the world; “Adonai Elohim,” “Yeshua” and “Ruach Ha-Kodesh.” When Marilyn told me, Troy taught Hebrew language, and the journey God had taken her and Troy on. I was overwhelmed with joy. The next few days, Troy was confused and voiced a mistrust of people and their intentions.  He could not carry on a meaningful conversation. There was no definite answer or medical rationale for his condition. As prayers continued, the Holy Spirit moved again. I heard “Speak Hebrew to him.” I began by asking Troy, what does “Yeshua mean?” He said,” He is Jesus Christ.” I said, who is “Ruach Ha-Kodesh?” He said, “The Holy Spirit.” At this moment I witnessed a change in Troys condition. The next few weeks from that day forth, I witnessed a healing, chains breaking, confusion lifting, the warrior of God began to surface. I watched the Spirit in Troy awaken! The Spirit of God forced the flesh to submit to greater is He that is in me than he that is in the world. I watched a man go from confusion, unable to carry a conversation to a full meaningful conversation. I witnessed a man go from needing to be feed through a tube, to eating by mouth. I witnessed a man go from needing to be turned by others and range of motion exercises of contracted legs. To moving each limb without help. I got to witness a man in his weakened state, minister to those around him. I got to witness a man come alive by sharing the Word of God with others in truth. I am blessed to have witnessed a true move of God. I am honored to have witnessed a true healing in the name of “Yeshua” The name above all names. N.P.


Testimonies from Pastor's Eric and Holly Gilbert's Church January 2017.


I taught two parts on different things people seek for pleasure and fulfillment only to end up empty inside.


​You can have or achieve every worldly thing but there will still be unrest and unhappiness without God. Only things received from God can bring true peace.


Pastor Troy's message this morning has directly touched my heart. I was living in pure vanity and expecting happiness. The Book of Ecclesiastes has opened my eyes as well as my heart. I realized that I can forgive myself and I should. No amount of money or material things will ever fill the void in me that is lacking. Only God can fill that void and forgiving myself is the first step to getting closer to His Greatness. This has brought me peace in my heart. T.J.C.


Testimonies from Revival Lake Alfred Florida --- Series Taught "Building an Altar"


Tonight God worked on me and in me. He heard my cry and he answered. my body is brand new and so is my soul. Thank you for coming and thank God. G.


This revival has brought me closer to my Lord Jesus and bolder in Christ. May God bless you. J.H.

It has revealed a deeper desire to reach down into God's word and a greater understanding of it. I enjoyed the teaching. It has changed how I look at how I pray and that God loves me no matter what. I feel God has a work for me for his glory. Thanks for opening my eyes and my ears. R.P.


The Spirit of Jesus has been so heavy and he has shown me where I have a spirit of pride in my life. I want to lose this and be the daughter that my Father wants me to be. On the outside I am humble but inside I am prideful in my heart.


My name is M.J. and as I have been coming to this revival the good Lord is walked by my side and has giving me wonderful results in allowing me to claim the victory. Of my daughter and that first phase and giving my family the opportunity to have the victory in employment. Pastor Troy, your awesome. And may God continue to bless you!


My name is L. and although I haven't been to revival every day, the Lord has opened up my heart a lot more. I have seen my aunt win the victories in her life that also gave me a victory as well. I pray all the time about her and for the Lord not to allow her to give up and she didn't. She just keeps fighting. But also as she gets employment to get back on her feet that also helps me to get my two beautiful babies back. The Lord is good and works in mysterious ways. I'm blessed to be a part of Kings Church.


I am so blessed with your teaching. Learning new things makes me more excited about the word of Yahweh. Love you Pastor. Be blessed in every area of your life in Yeshua's name. G.G.


I was on the way home and just knew something was going to happen. Pastor Troy asked me to sound the shofar with him and people came up after the service and said they felt the Lord flowing all over them when the shofars were being sounded. The Spirit was so strong as we went through the lesson on building an altar that I didn't think I was going to be able to sound the shofar. But Yahweh blew His own sounds. J.M. 


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