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Pastor Joe's Weekend Meeting


Blessings Pastor Troy, Louis and I were so touched by your teachings. You have opened our eyes to our loving Yeshua. The presence of God was so strong and it continued on when we arrived home. Thank you so much for taking the time for your beautiful and awesome teaching. We will never forget your love and the heart of Yeshua.


My Brother Troy, what an awesome delight it has been to set under your teaching for two days now. You are indeed a tool of the Holy Spirit. You have a beautiful spirit. Love and appreciate you.

Brother Troy, I want to thank you for the teaching this weekend. I know its your heart you speak from because I felt the Father touching my heart through you. Thank you Brother

Pastor Troy, Thank you for showing me the importance of having Abba's heart for others and not being stiff hearted.


Pastor Troy, thank you so much for your teaching. I honestly did not want to come today to the church. But I thank YHVH that I came and find today a Word that I need in this time of my walking with the Messiah. With Love


Pastor Troy, I am honored to have met a "True Servant" of our Father Yahweh. Jn 9:4 we must all work while there is still light. Night comes and all work comes to an end. To be concise, really bad childhood with my dad but I had the opportunity to care for my dad the final seven months of his life. My wife kept him alive for seven months and my dad and I forgave each other and he is in peace. Thank you for sharing your heart with us. With love in his service. I will be praying for you.


Brother Troy, I just see the unfolding of todays teaching as I look back at the webinars. Each time you changed the subject and even on the same subject how Yahweh has been moving in you, showing you things. It is true what you are teaching is what is very much needed for this time. Yes we need more of the outward vision but it starts with the inward visions, turning the light inward and soul searching, so we may be made ready to care and love others as Yeshua always is.


Pastor Troy, It is a great honor to call you Pastor. This weekend came with great expectations and is past as far as time is concerned but the expectation was exceeded and will be manifested in my life. You are valuable in the Kingdom. I will always examine my attitude as am I a Martha or a Mary? The answer is only two miles away.


Pastor Troy, Thank you for allowing Yahweh to use you. You have helped me in so many ways that only Yahweh knows. You have confirmed so much for me and I know it was Yahweh talking to me through you. Thank you for being faithful to your calling and sharing your life with us. For through it we learn from one another. Again Thank You and may Yahweh continue to bless you.

Pastor Troy, It's a great opportunity to sit down and listen from the word of Yahweh from you. I'm so blessed. May the annointing of Yahweh increase more in your ministry. Be blessed always in Yeshua's name.


Thank you Brother Troy. I just knew there was going to be some deep Hebrew nuggets but Yahweh had to move you and we got so blessed. Leaders in the movement around the world need to hear the love flow out of Father's Heart.

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